
Welcome to my blog. More nights than not I am up well past the midnight hour. Burning the midnight oil, some might say. I believe it is because I enjoy the "me time". The hubby and the grandson are in bed, the phone is not ringing, I don't have to stop what I am doing to take care of something or someone else. I can watch what I want on TV or not at all if I want. I can turn the volume down or mute it if I want! It's all about me.....and usually God.

It's usually me and Facebook, until all my friends say goodnight and sign off, then it's me and God. We have these talks and He usually shows me something profound.Usually I am amazed at why I never "got it" before. At that very second, I have an "aha" moment, then find somewhere to record it, whether it be on a blog (I've started a few) or journal, (started even more of those), write it in my bible, which has many profound "ahas", or just write it on a piece of paper,that gets put aside and then years later is found to be read again...at just the right moment! An "aha" moment. It all comes full circle. Just like life.

Did you ever notice how people come into your lives at just the right time? Then you go years without seeing or talking to them, then poof, one day you run into them again and you pick up just where you left off. That's how God is. Even though we are not always faithful and loyal to him, He never leaves us. We may not always be thinking of Him or even include Him into our day, but He is always there for us when we call on Him.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mom's Hats

I've hung them all,
Each and every one;
On this very wall,
In rememberence of your fun.

You wore them with such grace,
Sporting each one with pride;
They adorned your sweet face,
Your honor true and tried.

Oh! Your head these hats veiled,
While on the  course you played;
You're sportsmanship excelled,
Never faltering either way.

I've heard many a story,
From friends on the course, and off too;
Their enamore of your grace and glory,
And what they thought of you.

You left a legacy here,
Not soon forgotten by those;
Who to many you were so dear,
Surely our God  knows!

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