
Welcome to my blog. More nights than not I am up well past the midnight hour. Burning the midnight oil, some might say. I believe it is because I enjoy the "me time". The hubby and the grandson are in bed, the phone is not ringing, I don't have to stop what I am doing to take care of something or someone else. I can watch what I want on TV or not at all if I want. I can turn the volume down or mute it if I want! It's all about me.....and usually God.

It's usually me and Facebook, until all my friends say goodnight and sign off, then it's me and God. We have these talks and He usually shows me something profound.Usually I am amazed at why I never "got it" before. At that very second, I have an "aha" moment, then find somewhere to record it, whether it be on a blog (I've started a few) or journal, (started even more of those), write it in my bible, which has many profound "ahas", or just write it on a piece of paper,that gets put aside and then years later is found to be read again...at just the right moment! An "aha" moment. It all comes full circle. Just like life.

Did you ever notice how people come into your lives at just the right time? Then you go years without seeing or talking to them, then poof, one day you run into them again and you pick up just where you left off. That's how God is. Even though we are not always faithful and loyal to him, He never leaves us. We may not always be thinking of Him or even include Him into our day, but He is always there for us when we call on Him.

Friday, February 15, 2013

There comes a time in life

when it's time to grow up and put your big girl/boy pants on! There's a time to start taking care of your own needs and responsibilities. The world doesn't owe us anything! Neither does your parents or the government, after you are "of age". Somewhere along the line, society has failed their "children". We stopped raising them to be independent adults. We gave them too much. They didn't have to work or save for anything. They were raised with a "now" mentality. Buy now...pay later..or not! I see little kids walking around with Ipads, Iphones, wearing $100 shoes and gucci purses...or the latest trends when their parents are working two jobs and can barely pay the house note or rent. One young mom I know was telling me once she could not afford to take her sick son to the doctor, but the next week SHE was getting a boob-job! There's just something wrong with that way of thinking! For the most part, we have raised a "ME Generation". These are some of the most narcissistic human beings I have ever encountered.  I wish I could say I was exempt from the list, but I am not. I believe this mentality started with my generation. It just escalates with each new generation. 
We have buried ourselves in debt with "wants" rather than needs. Just for the sake of looking good, having the latest gadget, or being like everyone else!
There was a time when a coke and candy bar would be a "treat". Something you saved for and only got once in a blue moon....Now we think nothing of stopping at the quick mart and grabbing one on a daily basis. There was a time when you only had one pair of shoes for every day wear and a pair for church,  and those were usually hand-me-downs, now we have as many as our closet will hold! There was a time when going out to eat was for a special occasion, now it's a special occasion if we eat at home!
There was a time when there was only one TV in the house and everyone sat in the family room to watch whatever their parents decided....now there's a TV in every room, complete with cable, DVR, game systems..and a computer or tablet, if you don't like what's on TV! Personally, I think we have done a disservice to our children and our children's children. This is a generalization and not meant to point fingers . If you raised your kids to be independent and responsible adults who don't suck the life out of you, I applaud you! 
Today, I will think about every dime I spend and ask...is this a necessity? I will give my "grown" children liberty, when they "want" me to do what is their responsibility, I will tell them it's their responsibility and they should do it.  After all, it is my responsibility to allow them to be responsible!

More than I Can Handle...

The Lord promises to not give us more than we can handle....well we are on a fine line here! I am walking a tightrope without a balance pole! It's just about more than I can handle! On Friday, my husband was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of a kidney/UT infection. Today, diagnosed with recurrent Renal Cell Carcinoma!
 In 2003 he underwent a very lengthy nephrectomy (removal of his left kidney) along with part of his spleen, liver, and pancreas. Renal Cell Carcinoma (kidney cancer) had metastasized itself to those organs as well as grown a huge tumor the size of a football into his kidney. He came through the surgery with flying colors. Praise God! The cancer seemed to be gone....for almost ten years. Now it's reared it's ugly head again! What happened, Lord?
The doctor said it's a blessing he got an infection, otherwise we might not have found the cancer until it was too late...whatever that means. I just pray it's not "too late" now! I am trying to be optimistic about all of this, it's just a little hard to be optimistic, or even trust doctors, at this point. I just lost Mom, two months ago! What the heck? I don't know what God's thinking! He must have a plan, because I sure don't! I don't think He understands how much losing Mom hurt...now to deal with this! It's too much! We have plans...plans for a future! It does not include Kidney Cancer! 
My kids lost their dad a year ago next month. Nick has been a dad to them since they were small. It's too much for them, also. 
So that being said, I give it to the Lord, because it's more than I can handle!